Monday, December 22, 2008

Many Tall Pines

This is called to mind -

"I’ve said that that you sang in the wind,
as the pines and the masts do.
Like them you are tall and taciturn.
And you sadden quickly, as a voyage does."

Pablo Neruda, Poem Number 12 a a song I love as much as any of my other favorites. I don't know why I'm putting it here now, except that like so many great country tunes, it stirs echoes of longing, a common experience for me at Christmas Time. So appropriate, it's almost maddening.

Sing it, Emmylou, for that will surely break my heart in two. (You know what I mean, Steve.)


Katia Shtefan said...

I love metaphors that compare things one would not ordinarily associate with one another. If you really like Neruda, check out Red Poppy at It's a non-profit set up to create a documentary about Neruda, publish his biography, and translate his works into English.

bulletholes said...

"Theres two kinds of people allright- them thats going somewhere and them thats going nowhere. I'm on an Exodus to nowhwhere, and it gets mighty lonely sometimes.
Ben Rumpston
"No Direction Home"
Bobby D