Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Shocker du Jour

Homosexuals in Boy Bands? Someone bring me the smelling salts...


GrizzBabe said...

HA! Shocker indeed. Here's another mind blower: some of those new wave bands in the 80's had gay members. Gasp!

Citizen H said...

"Bass says he wondered if his coming out could prompt "the end of 'N Sync."

Umm, Delusions, anyone? I figured they had scattered to the winds years ago. Something about no-talent ass-clowns not getting airplay.

jt castleton said...

oh the irony:

kissyface said...


Do we think that Joey FatOne really posted that video? I love the distance claim, "How were we supposed to know?" As if. Just look at that guy. Some one needs gaydar training.

Besides, when Lance said "twins," he didn't designate gender.

kissyface said...

er, "distancing," i mean.