Monday, December 21, 2009

Xmas Wishlist

I had forgotten all about this song, and little Gayla Peevey, who sang it like she was a young Ethel Merman, until last night when the amazing Eliza Rickman sang it as the opener to the Solstice Concert I helped put together. I've been singing it all morning, and I want one too.


bulletholes said...

aW mAN...i'VE BEEN HANGING (SHIT) been hanging onto that pic for some time waitingt for a way to use it!
Good show KFC!
But I am in no danger of that song getting stuck in my head.
Have a Hippo Christmas!

stella said...

Now you HAVE to put up 'We are the World.' The juxtaposition would explode someone's mind.

Anonymous said...

That kid's voice is CRAZY! Like surreal. Congrats on the concert; sorry I couldn't be there. Happy belated holidays!