If you think there is nothing wrong with our commercial culture... If you think our sense of entitlement is not out of measure... If you think we are righteous... If you think we even have the slightest inkling of our place in history, or even a rational relationship to our origins as Americans...

Look a little deeper.
The thing is, common people are basically decent. I really believe this. Look at the woman in the top photo lending a hand to the old lady. But we all have to throw off this yoke of materialism. Giving shouldn't be stressful, aggressive, competitive, ANGRY. Giving is about seeing into the heart of another, identifying need, and lifting that person up. Giving shouldn't cost. It should lift you up, too. So do it when you really feel it, not because you were manipulated.
And stop watching so much television.
Is that a mall? That is crazy!
that is a shopper's paradise.
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