Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Formal Retraction

From the comments:
"Anonymous said...
OMG. I cannot believe you wrote that! I would have felt TERRIBLE if I had clogged the toilet, and would have certainly said something about it. I certainly did not do that, and certainly would not have left without doing something about it.

Another problem with bloggers: no fact checking, no watch dog to prevent unscrupulous and irresponsible libel."

Apparently my research minions have proved unreliable. Worse than my editor, even. As for the watch dog, he watches the morning clock to be sure his walks are timely, his meals are prompt, and not much else.

So, I hereby offer a formal apology, from the blogger to the alleged clogger, for my libelous scribblings of January 4th. I won't apologize for the slander, for that oral communication was rendered by another student. Perhaps she was passing the buck as much as she passed... well, I won't go there.

Thank you for taking it all so well. And for approaching the desk with a smile, instead of twapping me up the side of the head.

I won't rescind the trickster comment, but I hope it's clear I bear you no ill-will. It's all just funny to me.

Feel free to post a comment any time.

1 comment:

Tony Grant said...

Hey Kissyface, great blog. You told some truth. It's liberating!! come and visit let me know what you think