I was so relieved to realize today that my particular brand of band-aids, which is not Band-Aids, is "not tested on animals." I am all about cruelty-free, especially because I know just how painful it can be to rip off one of those adhesive strips. Now, imagine if you're a bunny.
That's mighty conscientious of you! Being of a redneck-y bent, I just seal up band-aid-worthy cuts with a dab of super glue*. Of course I can't help but wonder just what sort of testing they do for Krazy-Glue's adherency.
*- Don't even start. I've seen guys whip up bandages out of a piece of tissue and a strip of duct-tape. At least my remedy has the benefit of NOT making me look like I cook meth in my bathtub.
Well, you know I was of course being a touch facetious, but the truth is, I fear what sort of testing they really mean. Ripping out some hair is probably far kinder than when they actually do. I know with cosmetics, they really do feed it to the rabbits, which is horrid and completely unneccessary. Even rednecky sorts, what with all their horse-sense, can see that we already pretty much know which substances are good for us and which ain't. The real irony of this is that all these products that go on our skin, still end up having harmful compounds in them. For instance, it's nearly impossible to find lotions without parabens (which end up concentrating in breast tumors), even in "natural" brands like Aveda. So, the animal is tortured, but the consumer still isn't protected. That's what I call waste.
As for super-glue, I've heard of doctors doing that. And I've been known to wrap cuts up on the job with tissue and blue painter's tape many a day, so what does that make me? I never tried meth, but it's difficult to say what direction your life can take. Actually, I currently have a cut on my left forefinger, which I chiseled nearly to the bone. Oops. I'm sure I should have gotten a couple of stitches, it was so deep. That will be a pretty nice scar...
I'm a big hypocrite, since I'll eat anything that moves, but the animal testing always pisses me off. I'm not necessarily antikilling, but I'm definitely anticruelty. Free the Bunnies by Any Means Necessary!
I saw a baby bunny die once. Thanks for bringing it up.
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