2.5 million plastic bottles are used in the US every hour. In case you don't know, they are bad for you in several ways, including simply drinking out of them.

Check out
this website.So much of this waste is completely avoidable. We have only to try a little harder.
You're gonna really hate my latest post then...
Anyway, I am unconcerned.
Matter and energy cannot be truly created or destroyed, merely rearranged and transferred. All of those plastic bottles have been there the whole time, just wearin' different clothes.
Think of it as inventory...
Where's the Photoshop of the 25 million brain cells he killed working on those? Is it art or is he reinterpreting the directions on the back on Head and Shoulders?
Clone stamp tool.
"[bottled water] is why we're not going to have a revolution - cause if people will pay for water bottled in plastic they will suffer any indignity"
I never thought i'd have to spend a buck fifty for air and water...
I kept looking for the used condoms image, but I guess that isn't considered a waste.
I'm trying to make my carbon footprint bigger. I want to have a Bigfoot-sized carbon footprint.
Not really. But given my deep feelings re: the total futility of all human endeavor, I find it hard to get excited about the new eco craze.
My suggestion to people who really want to make a difference in our environment is kill yourself. It's the greenest thing you'll ever do for the planet.
UF - yes, but be sure to have a green funeral, which apparently is more EC than cremation.
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