Imagine my frustration at not being able to italicize text here, like the word "talking" in the title. Before any of you smartier-than-thou-pants direct me to my tool bar right above, let me just say that the "i" logo doesn't register on my iBook, and even when I had access at work to a PC, the icon never worked anyway. Of course, if I'd get off my sorry ass and learn some more html codes... but, that's precisely the sort of thing I hate to do, even if it would be so much better to italicize "hate" for emphasis, to cue you that I mean it in sort of a whiney-draggy way, like a kid who is stalling bath time. Of course, I LOVED bath time and shower time as a child. Still do. Except that LA water dries my skin out rather savagely, so I bathe somewhat less frequently, opting for some sort of hippie shower regimen (which is also routinely what is practiced in the shower in regards to even more aggressively drying soap. You don't want me utterly and prematurely senescing, do you, People?). If you don't know what a hippie shower is, well, I've already overshared, so go look it up. That's hypocritical coming from the one who hates to read manuals for anything, unless it's a cookbook. Still, why should I read an inscrutable technical text, when you can simply show me, in which case, I'll remember it better anyway?
But I digress.

This is my point - in regards to a recent renewed fascination with old rockstars, and my avowal to espouse one, I direct you to this recent posting on Unremitting Failure, which I wish I had written.
[em] and [/em] for italics in your html mode when you're composing posts.
Don't say I never gave you anything.
Somebody shoot me now. I didn't realize how utterly geeky that sounded until I clicked "publish". Apparently I haven't hit the sauce hard enough this evening.
Welcome Back! Thanks [em]so much[/em] for the tip! I owe you my first born! Geeks rule the world! Look at Bill Gates! I'm still running an unnatural temperature! Wee!
Further compounding my stupidity, I remembered that it's and . Would someone please taser me before I strike again?
ok, "H" or "Aytch," or WHATEVER your name was formerly known as, those itals didn't work!! you've no longer a claim to my kid! (no hard feelings, though.) is it because i tried to use them in the comments section?
weird. you just caused a commentus interruptus.
no, because I goofed. it's < and > instead of brackets. Oops again. See, I can be pretty dangerous with a keyboard. Pin it down to the hiatus.
Its actually and for itals and and for bold.
Though I'm fairly certain they don't work the same way in the comments as they would in a post.
I think.
If I am in err, disregard.
That, of course, proves me wrong.
< i > = italics
< em > = bold
< huck > = retard
There should be no spaces between the allegators and the word stuffed between 'em.
Here endeth the lesson
Or they could both be italics.
There's a reason its free advice...
the primrose path awaiteth...
Oh my God! You are so fucking high.
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