I thought I should get some documentary evidence of my how now brown yet surprisingly red in the right light hair, before it all fades away, or I get it removed. It's been okay, but it doesn't stave off the airhead errors, as I'd hoped.

The trouble is, you can't easily take a picture of yourself in a mirror without imbecilic head tilts, or looking too serious.
I'm opening this up to the Democratic Process. Should I stay dark haired, or go blonde again? VOTE!

As stunning as you are, neither would be a mistake....BUT being that you are a natural Blonde I have to say that nature knew what she was doing when she created your radiant physicality, which comes in at a close second next to your luminous heart.
You have got to be someone I know. Do I owe you money?
Eh, stay dark...
It conveys an entirely separate but equally intense sense of hotness then blonde does...
Separate? Not sure what you mean, but no matter. I'll assume it's just personal preference. Thanks for indulging my foolishness.
(In this, I try to reconstruct a semi-witty comment that went up the electron chimney when I pressed the wrong button. Should time's arrow reverse, and the original comment reappear by some undiscovered law of quantum mechanics, it will appear--unintentionally, on my part--twice. Mr. Feynman (RIP) will protest. Mr. Hawkins will be amused).
I was going to write "It matters not. The beauty of the charmer of this Charm School resides between her ears." That didn't sound quite right, because it matters to you.
So I won't write that.
If it is discovered in the Great Beyond that you owe me money, your debt is hereby discharged in exchange for my vote of "Present" and the joy I experience visiting this place.
ex LA guy
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